Hepatocyte Isolation System - Price List

DescriptionActivityCodeSizeCat. No.Price
Hepatocyte Isolation System
Source: N/A
Kit for performing five separate adult rat liver perfusions. Contains five single use CLSH enzyme vials, five single use DNase vials, 10X CMF-Hank's Balanced Salt Solution, L-15 Media Powder, 0.15M MOPS buffer,7.5% Sodium Bicarbonate Solution, and optimized protocol. The kit is use-tested by Worthington to assure performance.
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HIS 1 bx LK002060 $460.00 Buy Now
Collagenase/Elastase Vial (CLSH)
Source: Clostridium histolyticum
Enzyme vial of HIS kit that contains 20,000 units of collagenase (Code: CLS-1) and 30 units of elastase (Code: ESL), filtered through 0.22 micron membrane and lyophilized.
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≥20,000 units collagense/30 units elastase per vial CLSH 1 vi LK002066 $54.00 Buy Now
5 vi LK002067 $237.00 Buy Now
DNase Vial (D2)
Source: Bovine Pancreas
A component of the Papain Dissociation System. This material is 0.22 micron membrane filtered and lyophilized in autoclaved vials. A vial reconstituted with 0.5 ml of EBSS or equivalent yields a solution of 2000 units/ml of deoxyribonuclease (1 mg/ml).
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≥1,000 Kunitz units per vial D2 1 vi LK003170 $25.00 Buy Now
5 vi LK003172 $84.00 Buy Now
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution 10X (HBSS10)
Source: N/A
Sterile calcium and magnesium free Hank's balanced salt solution, 10X CMF-HBSS concentrate, as supplied in the HIS kit; 1 x 500 ml
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HBSS10 1 ea LK002064 $85.00 Buy Now
L-15 Media Powder (L15NK)
Source: N/A
Leibovitz L-15 media powder, a component of the NCIS kit. Reconstitute entire contents of pouch, QS to 1 liter with cell culture grade water, and 0.22 micron filter. Suitable for cell isolation and culture applications.
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L15NK 1 ea LK003250 $30.00 Buy Now
0.15m, MOPS Buffer, (MOPS)
Source: N/A
0.15M MOPS, pH 7.5, 0.22u filtered. Buffer concentrate used to buffer the constituted Leibovitz L-15 media in Hepatocyte Isolation System.
Store at 2-8°C.
MOPS 1 ea LK002070 $36.00 Buy Now
Sodium bicarbonate, 7.5%, (NAH)
Source: N/A
7.5% Sodium bicarbonate concentrate (NaHCO3), used to buffer the diluted CMF-HBSS; 1 x 100 ml
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N/A NAH 1 ea LK002069 $33.00 Buy Now

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