Worthington Collagenase Sampling Program

Program Description

The lot-to-lot variation which is typical of partially purified enzyme preparations such as Worthington collagenase Types 1-4 and Animal Origin Free CLSAF types makes it important to pre-test a particular lot of enzyme you are planning to use in your experiment. Many years ago we found that the most practical approach for the researcher is to presample several different lots of collagenase at a time and select the best of the group. As the world's leading manufacturer of collagenase, Worthington is able to offer the greatest number of different lots at any given time and recommend specific lots for an application.

There is no charge for participating in the collagenase sampling program. Under the program, individual researchers are provided with 100 mg samples of up to three different lots of collagenase for evaluation in their own assay systems. A period of 60 days is allowed for your evaluation of these samples. A minimum of 3 grams of each lot will be placed on HOLD, reserved in your name. When you determine which lot performs best for you, simply specify the lot desired when ordering. The only requirement, once a suitable lot of collagenase is found, is that you purchase a minimum of 3 grams of the material.

To become part of this program, or to discuss any of the Worthington products, just call our Technical Service group toll-free at 800.445.9603 from anywhere in the United States or Canada or email techservice@worthington-biochem.com

International customers should check our International Distributor listing for a distributor. If you do not have a Worthington Distributor for your country, please contact Patricia Lundstrom, International Sales.